Monday, January 7, 2008

Anis Shivani on What's Behind the Current Pakistan Crisis

Irvine -- To kick off our new Winter 2007 season on KUCI, Subversity Monday 7 January features a discussion with a freelance writer, poet and fiction writer, Anis Shivani, about what has led to the current crisis facing Pakistan.

Shivani is also a literary critic based in Houston, Texas. He was born in Pakistan, but has spent most of his life in the U.S. He wrote for the leading Pakistani newspaper Dawn throughout the 1990s, engaging with the democratic politics of that era. His fiction typically deals with the difficulties of attaining true pluralism and tolerance in today's multicultural societies, and with the assorted disorders of postcolonial culture. His writings also engage with the present rise of fascistic tendencies in the U.S. His novel in progress, Intrusion, is about an American anthropologist studying an urban squatter settlement in contemporary Pakistan.

His essays have often appeared in CounterPunch.

To listen to the entire show, click here:

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